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Snapshots from Puerto Rico in December
Norma Ketzis Bernstock



At Seaside Coqui
the Latin beat pounds
through the night,
penetrates the walls,
vibrates the shutters
closed tight against
the roosters’
all night crows.
Each day we drink
black espresso at the panaderia,
feast on fish empanadas and
moist plantains,
sip piña coladas
poured into coconut shells
and always oysters and
clams from pushcarts
that pack the streets
We cycle south on a two-lane road
ignored by horses tied to posts,
grazing goats and egrets lined up
on fences like targets in
carnival booths. We pedal
towards Los Cuevos, the scent
of cilantro mingles with
car fumes from souped-up Chevys
whose drivers twist their necks
to see gringos in neon
spandex and black Lycra shorts.
We tour Añasco Square
where Latin Santas sport
black beards and thick brows,
sit in red sleighs under swaying
palms and pose while locals
play dominoes, shoot pool and
whistle like the island mascot,                                     
ko-kee, ko-kee, ko-kee.

© by Norma Bernstock.
Used with the author’s permission.




Norma Ketzis Bernstock, though raised in a suburb of New York City, now enjoys life as an artist and poet in the beauty of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Retired after 34 years in education, mostly as a School Media Specialist, her writing desk overlooks dense foliage and one of her greatest joys is observing the wildlife sauntering past her window when they don’t know they’re being watched. Norma is the author of one chapbook from Big Table Publishing, Don’t Write a Poem About Me After I’m Dead.


Post New Comment:
Lori Levy:
Feel like I'm there. Love all the detail.
Posted 12/16/2016 10:40 AM
This is a very descriptive, appealing poem that enables me to visualize the scenes. Favorite part--the egret simile! Janice
Posted 12/16/2016 08:52 AM
Images for all the senses. Thanks for the virtual visit!
Posted 12/16/2016 08:08 AM
Transported to Puerto Rico! Many thanks, Norma
Posted 12/16/2016 06:45 AM

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