on this maybe
spring day
sun with different slant
tentative green willows
most everything still gray
I see a young boy
pumping against the wind
he’s carrying a fish in one hand
its tail flipping the road
with every revolution
of the bike wheel
leaving the marsh
where just a little bit ago
the fish knew home
I wonder how fast
life changes
how our lives
so depend on someone else’s
how we come to know
each other
in so many ways
dead or alive
© by Maryann Hurtt.
Used with the author’s permission.

Maryann Hurtt lives in Wisconsin’s Kettle Moraine, where she hikes, bikes, reads, and writes. A retired hospice nurse, she co-authored, with Cynthia Frozena, a hospice care planning manual. More recently, she has published River, a chapbook, and Once Upon a Tar Creek: Mining for Voices, an eclectic collection of poetry, history, environmental issues, and graphics. A new collection, Broken Blossoms, is forthcoming from Fernwood Press. Maryann's poetry has been published in a variety of print and online journals. And speaking of journals, she says she's discovered that several members of her family kept gratitude journals about their everyday lives; Maryann is inspired to carry on the tradition. Learn more about her at maryannhurtt.com.
Maryann Hurtt:
I need to thank Sandy Rockhill, writing buddy extraordinaire, for the title. Yes, our lives really do depend on everyone else's!
Posted 03/31/2012 05:14 PM
A very interesting perception of life. The influence of circumstances, things, and environment.
Posted 03/26/2012 09:46 PM
Linda Muldoon:
Love it. I like the title as well as the ending. Yin Yang of fish looking in both directions.
Posted 03/26/2012 07:28 PM
Deep Girl, deep!
Kind of like being adopted I guess!
Love, #1 Bro, JRH
Posted 03/26/2012 07:01 PM
Good poem, Maryann. Thank you. Phyllis
Posted 03/26/2012 11:37 AM
Glen Sorestad:
What a catch! What wisdom! Bravo!
Posted 03/26/2012 09:59 AM
Susan T. Moss:
Susan T. Moss:
The turning point at any given moment, the choice
to take the bait, the result...you capture life here.
Posted 03/26/2012 09:24 AM
Marilyn L Taylor:
Excellent. That image of the boy on the bike with the fish is memorable, and the ending is pretty darn profound.
Posted 03/26/2012 09:09 AM
Powerful! I love the ending.
Posted 03/26/2012 08:56 AM
An astounding poem. Not many get to the depth of the flapping fish, the meal. It's so much easier to write about a fish factory, but a hungry boy on a bike. Quite remarkable.
Posted 03/26/2012 08:48 AM
Ralph Murre:
Thank you, Maryann. We're all mostly "pumping against the wind", aren't we? A terrific piece of work.
Posted 03/26/2012 08:41 AM
Janet Leahy:
great images here, the powerful ending lingers,
Posted 03/26/2012 08:18 AM
beautiful poem, Maryann and most definitely truth in it...thanks
sharon auberle
Posted 03/26/2012 07:52 AM
lovely, maryann! visual and though-provoking. thank you!
Posted 03/26/2012 07:07 AM
Great poem, Maryann. Much food for thought on a Monday morning in March. Thank you!
Posted 03/26/2012 06:41 AM
You say so much, Maryann, in so few words. So much to ponder, so much wonder, in a boy on a bike, a fish in his hand.
Posted 03/26/2012 05:47 AM