Your tongue flows over
the boulders of your teeth
and flutters in the wind like a man's tie
I follow in your trotting path
to watch from behind
your velvet ears flap
you tumble on your side
to snort and wiggle your golden body
in the scratchy grass
you wag your whole head
and grin when you come to greet me
your whip-like tail waving in arcs
your muzzle, grown grey
with the decade, is a man's
suede oxford shoe
because every moment for you
is a prelude to enjoyment
even now as we wait for life
to pour you back
into its sure-flowing stream
we move within the shadow
cast by the coming loss of you
I watch your ribs rise
and fall with your living
find comfort in the knowledge
that you store in the walnut-shaped
bump on your skull
where among all the things you know
is the best one: that if you wait long enough
something good will always come along.
© by Tamara Madison.
Used with the author's permission.