Dog stretches out on one side,
a large, warm pillow.
Wife turns over, asleep,
tucks an arm around me.
Cat pounces,
then settles, blanketing my chest.
I lie still,
immobilized by love.
This poem first appeared in Heyday.
Used here with the author's permission.
David M. Harris lives in Middle Tennessee, and has recently retired to write poetry, take care of dogs, and drive his MGB full time. His poem, "The Review Mirror," was featured on Your Daily Poem in July 2011, and other work has appeared in Pirene's Fountain, The Labletter, Gargoyle, and other places. David has a chapbook of poetry, his first, in process from St. Murgen's Press. Its title is also The Review Mirror.
Deb Kosmer:
Just delightful. I read it three times and smiled eah time. It put a lovely picture in my head.
Posted 11/10/2012 09:24 PM
What a lucky guy you are!
Posted 11/09/2012 08:58 PM
Wendy Rotella:
Lovely! I'd like to see more of your poetry!
Posted 11/09/2012 04:11 PM
I just know ny husband will be mentioning this one to me soon as he reads it! And what a great ending.
Posted 11/09/2012 12:42 PM
Wilda Morris:
Been there, experienced that - with husband and cat! Love the ending!
Posted 11/09/2012 10:09 AM
I can relate. My cat right now is trying to bite my laptop screen as I type.
Posted 11/09/2012 09:39 AM
sweet. especially after a night of a cat wanting to sleep on my face. over and over. thank you!
Posted 11/09/2012 09:12 AM
Larry Schug:
The brilliant last line is the clincher. Cats, dogs, people in bed-just another night in our house.
Posted 11/09/2012 08:56 AM
Gretchen :
Dave Harris,
Thank you for making me laugh this morning! My husband and I have an American Bulldog who loves to "cuddle"as well. God Bless,
Gretchen Friel
Posted 11/09/2012 08:30 AM
You're going to have to take that cigar to bed to get enough room to turn over!
Posted 11/09/2012 08:26 AM
Tony G:
What a lovely poem! In my case, the cat couldn't take sleeping with anyone else and would only come in around 6 a.m. to annoy the sleep out of me and tell me that the food bowl needed refilling and the bed was now hers--get out.
Posted 11/09/2012 07:32 AM
a wonderful poem that makes my day start with a warm feeling and smile!
Posted 11/09/2012 07:22 AM