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Field of Vision
Kathe L. Palka

Testing Center, Wills Eye Hospital
First one eye patched, then the other,
we stare into machines which gauge
what cannot be regained, measuring
the unknown. Inside their whirs and clicks,
star by star, flashes of an artificial cosmos
appear then disappear within the limits
of sight and beyond. Dark voids form
where light dies unseen,
glimpsed only in visions.
Within my mind's eye the lost edges
of a hundred crimson sunsets take shape,
a fawn stands just off the highway
on a late summer drive,
an old friend winks from the corner
of a crowded room, and somewhere
near the border of a gray December garden,
a small statue of Pan plays the flute.
From Miracle of the Wine (Grayson Books, 2012).
Used here with the author's permission.





Kathe L. Palka is the author of five books. A member of the U.S. 1 Poets’ Cooperative and the Haiku Poets of the Garden State. Kathe writes in free verse and in the Japanese forms of haiku and tanka. She is an editor at, a daily online journal of haiku and micropoetry. A lifelong resident of New Jersey, Kathe is an avid gardener who enjoys wandering the parklands of her native state whenever time permits. Learn more about her at her Haiku Foundation web page.







Post New Comment:
wendy morton:
She makes the ordinary, extraordinary in the blink of an eye.
Posted 12/04/2012 04:12 PM
Wilda Morris:
Posted 12/04/2012 10:24 AM
I am scheduled for this test next week, and have always found it both annoying and anxiety-provoking. This time I'll try to think of this lovely poem and perhaps be more relaxed. Thanks, Kathe!
Posted 12/04/2012 09:22 AM
Beautiful and poignant!
Posted 12/04/2012 07:54 AM
Glen Sorestad:
Loved it, Kathe. I especially lik that notion of the artificial cosmos within those whirs and clicks of the machine.
Posted 12/04/2012 07:39 AM
Lovely images, Katha!
Posted 12/04/2012 07:09 AM

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