Barefoot on a talcum beach,
alone, not lonely,
drenched in a sea-breeze of mist,
that hushes the ache of bygone moons,
tasting the salty tang on my lips,
as the burnished sun,
over the distant horizon,
and dips.
Barefoot on a talcum beach,
alone, not lonely,
searching, ever searching,
for a slice of solitude,
as memory bids a final adieu,
reaching under the sea so vast,
and seeking comfort in the depths,
while embracing,
the tomorrows to come,
wishing that they be true.
Barefoot on a talcum beach,
alone, not lonely,
seeing my truths drown,
as they slip beneath the turquoise waters,
feeling my heart ablaze,
with a passion that rarely falters.
Barefoot on a talcum beach,
alone, not lonely,
yet knowing that I am home at long last,
wishing the waves would wash away,
the defences that once stood,
like an impregnable wall.
Barefoot on a talcum beach,
alone, not lonely,
I have found, at long last,
my final port of call.
© by Afzal Moolla.
Used with the author’s permission.
Afzal Moolla was born in Delhi, India while his parents were in exile, fleeing Apartheid South Africa. He then travelled wherever his parent's work took them, and he still feels that he hasn't stopped travelling. Afzal currently works and lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he writes for pleasure and enjoys reading non-fiction and the occasional novel.
Thank you very, very much for all the kind and warm words! I deeply appreciate and am grateful for the feedback. I also invite you to visit my blog:
Thank you all again!
Warmest wishes,
Posted 02/04/2013 05:04 PM
Beautiful, the sea is such a place of comfort.
Posted 01/17/2013 06:44 AM
Sharon Urdahl:
Alone not lonely a lovely line...the poem reminds me of the ebb and flow of life and releasing all that restrains us from growth..
Posted 01/16/2013 12:39 PM
I too love this poem! The repetitions remind me of the ebb and flow of the tide. Totally soothing!
Posted 01/13/2013 06:51 PM
I LOVE THIS POEM. Now, if it were only I, barefoot on that talcum beach... Judy
Posted 01/13/2013 04:43 PM
This poem is filled with music and embracing comfort. Lovely!
Posted 01/13/2013 02:32 PM
Sue Shanks:
Carry on, my friend. Carry on.
Posted 01/13/2013 01:18 PM
Thank you particularly for these comforting lines:
yet comforted by the crashing of the waves,
as the tide cleanses all pain,
and leaves despair far, far behind.
Posted 01/13/2013 12:09 PM
Beautiful! I like the rhythm, the reminder woven into each stanza: "Barefoot on a talcum beach, alone, not lonely,"
This reminds me of my own first experience at an ocean beach in South Carolina. This is big, wide, universal!
Thank you.
Posted 01/13/2013 10:30 AM