Taking stock, I am overwhelmed
at how we came to be at this place.
Wasn't it just yesterday we were circling the lake,
playing 20 Questions:
what would you do if . . .
how would you handle . . .
and what about . . . ?
Such planning! Such preparation!
(Such irony—given our six-week courtship!)
I would do it again—marry you, that is—
even knowing what I do now:
that you rarely put the seat down . . .
always throw your socks down . . .
never check the mail.
It has not always been smooth sailing;
in 35 years there have been tempests—
but so many more days of bliss:
babies turned to boys turned to men . . .
hopes melded into accomplishments (grand and not so) . . .
fledgling love grown rich as a ripe, sweet mango.
You've surprised me more than once—as I have you—
we surprise each other still, and we have:
laughed and cried . . .
and grown and changed . . .
and apologized and promised and believed.
We have known each other for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health—and yet:
there is so much left to share, my dear . . .
so very much left to share.
© by Jayne Jaudon Ferrer.
Used with the author's permission.

Jayne Jaudon Ferrer is the author of five books of poetry, a nonfiction book about games, and a novel, Hayley and the Hot Flashes. Jayne created www.YourDailyPoem.com in 2009 to share the pleasure and diversity of poetry. A former copywriter, magazine editor, newspaper columnist, and freelance journalist, her work has appeared in hundreds of publications. When not writing or reading, Jayne enjoys music, old movies, gardening, hiking, and good conversation. A native Floridian, she has lived in Greenville, South Carolina, for almost 30 years. Learn more about her at www.jaynejaudonferrer.com.
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, Jayne.
All good wishes. P.S. I like what you wrote...love as rich as a mango. Here's to lots of mangos! then.
Posted 03/19/2013 12:36 AM
Happy Anniversary, Jayne! I enjoy your poetry, your YDP, and your new book on games!!!
Posted 03/18/2013 06:39 PM
It's clear you love him very much. Happy Anniversary!
Posted 03/18/2013 04:08 PM
Congratulations to both of you! Thanks for sharing this poem showing how marriage really is and how love grows in various ways. It reminds me of our 35th anniversary. For some reason it seemed to have so much significance. We both felt that way and called our kids to celebrate with us. Many more blissful years for the two of you to share! Camille
Posted 03/18/2013 03:47 PM
barbara eknoian:
Sounds like the best is yet to come.
Posted 03/18/2013 03:21 PM
Happy Anniversary!!! May many more surprises keep coming!
Posted 03/18/2013 02:41 PM
Larry Schug:
Congratulations, Jayne. Who'd want to drive on a smooth road all the time anyway? It would just put a person to sleep and then there would be trouble.
Posted 03/18/2013 02:16 PM
Joe Sottile:
Happy Anniversary! Marriage is a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs. I did learn to keep the seat down. And early in the marriage I was allowed to make decisions about China and Russia. And my wife made the ultimate decisions about domestic matters and the kids. Jayne, I like your poem very much...wish I wrote it.
Posted 03/18/2013 01:28 PM
Love this poem, especially the ending! This year marks our 10 year anniversary and you've inspired me to write a poem for the occasion.
Posted 03/18/2013 01:27 PM
Judith Heron:
"We surprise each other still"...what a grand proclamation of love. All the best to you both
Judith Heron
Posted 03/18/2013 01:01 PM
Thanks, you with your sweet mango of love.
Posted 03/18/2013 12:35 PM
How very fortunate you both are... continue to explore and savor ~ and congratulations. Judy
Posted 03/18/2013 12:23 PM
Nancy Simpson:
A Good and Honest Poem, Jayne. Congratulations to you and your husband whom I have met in person. I am happy to know you as a fellow poet and must tell you, I enjoy YOUR DAILY POEM.
Posted 03/18/2013 11:36 AM
wendy morton:
Here's to the sweet mango of love, dear Jayne.
Posted 03/18/2013 11:30 AM
Happy Anniversary, Jayne! And many more.
Posted 03/18/2013 11:03 AM
Lovely! But not sappy. Congratulations to you both!
Posted 03/18/2013 09:51 AM
Happy Anniversary Jayne.
What a beautiful testament to your 35 years of marriage--forgiving,promising, believing--and it is that believing that carries the distance. I loved reading this, Jayne. Oh, what a happy day for both of you.
Posted 03/18/2013 09:43 AM
Donna Pflueger:
Jayne, Happy Anniversary. Your line - ...and apologized and promised and believed...oh, how we must believe. What a truly honest and loving tribute to your husband and marriage - I wish you many, many more years of believing.
Posted 03/18/2013 09:17 AM
Nabby Dog:
This sweet poem is both realistic and romantic and I challenge anyone to read it without smiling. Congratulations and hurray for you both!
Posted 03/18/2013 09:04 AM
lisa honecker:
This is not only a tribute to your husband and children but to you as a loving team player. A nice balance and memorable.
Posted 03/18/2013 09:00 AM
Congratulations, Jayne, and here's to many more wonderful and challenging years.
Posted 03/18/2013 09:00 AM
Happy Anniversary, Jayne, and thanks for sharing a little bit about you!
Posted 03/18/2013 08:01 AM
How wonderful! The poem and the relationship! Beautiful!
Posted 03/18/2013 07:28 AM
Wilda Morris:
Happy anniversary - and many more! This poem is "rich as a ripe, sweet mango" - thanks!
Posted 03/18/2013 07:15 AM
Congratulations, Jayne, on thirty-five years of marriage (and counting) distilled into a wonderful poem.
Posted 03/18/2013 07:00 AM
What a beautiful love poem....what we all wish for..what some are fortunate enough to have.
Posted 03/18/2013 06:45 AM
Terri Kirby Erickson:
Wonderful poem, Jayne, and Happy Anniversary! :o)
Posted 03/18/2013 06:24 AM
Jayne, your love for your dear one shines through and may you have many more years of the ups and downs of marriage. I am 32 years married this year so not far behind you and really enjoyed this poem. It warmed my heart, it was honest and true and that always translates from heart to heart. Maire in Ireland x
Posted 03/18/2013 05:15 AM
I love this poem! It describes your marriage with all its ups and downs, but what clearly comes through is love, endurance and commitment. Congrats on your 35 years! (And I do think you should sign your husband up for a daily posting of poetry...not weekly)
Posted 03/18/2013 05:13 AM