Daylight fades to gray,
save for one
Lone Camellia bloom
Facing my window
This dark, December day,
Unfurling its coil
Of Spring petals
To wave in the chill, Winter air.
Afternoon wastes its way
Into Evening’s essence,
But one flower blooms,
Reaching out to the glow
It reflects
Upon my window.
© by Randy Cadenhead.
Used with the author’s permission.

Randy Cadenhead writes poetry in Decatur, Georgia. He is a student of creative nonfiction at Emory University and writes of his nature and its nurture on his life.
Janet Leahy:
"One flower blooms," sometimes that's all we need.
Thanks, Randy.
Posted 12/17/2013 09:09 AM
After I read the fourth line, the flower appeared to me as it must have looked to the writer. Lovely image recounted skillfully.
Posted 12/17/2013 08:00 AM