Seen from a distant star-lit galaxy,
What is a new year but a single instant,
A cadence in the music of the spheres?
But to us, two hearts in warm embrace,
The night is vivid with the memory
Of children and journeys and old songs.
The past year is a noiseless presence,
Like a rain storm that spends itself
And leaves a heavy stillness in the air.
We listen for the eternal note of hope,
Heedless of the riot of fireworks outside
And the neon glitter of the crowded square.
Listen, the ball signals the moment as moonlight
Casts a patina of fantasy over darkened streets.
The countdown chant rises from Perth to Palma.
Look, the square is ablaze with crimson and gold.
Our eyes meet as we measure the moment,
This brilliant intersection of past and future.
A thousand points of light flicker against the dark;
We are grateful for the ecstasy of life, for grace,
For the chance to dream brave dreams again.
Let galaxies observe their predictable orbits.
Our flesh and blood make all the difference.
This love will outlive the year, and outlast the stars.
© by Stephen Mendonca.
Used with the author's permission.

Stephen Mendonca is a lifelong lover of literature, philosophy, music, and the humanities. After two decades in the corporate/marketing/technology world, he now divides his time between college teaching, consulting, and publishing. To balance the scale, he also enjoys avant-garde movies, travel, gothic cathedrals, Renaissance culture, and the music of Chopin. Having raised four children, Stephen says he and his wife "are currently enjoying la dolce vita in Houston, Texas, a city that abounds in technology, cultural diversity, and culinary delights." Stephen's first collection of poems will be out in early spring of 2014.
Wilda Morris:
Posted 01/01/2014 11:20 AM
Thank you for a poem like this to start the new year. Congratulations on your upcoming book.
Posted 12/31/2013 10:40 AM
A wonderful poem. Congratulations on your collection!
Posted 12/31/2013 09:49 AM
I can't help thinking of that old SF standby, the Klein Bottle--time/love the paradox of orientation---the poem is lovely--and so happy new years to all.
Posted 12/31/2013 08:04 AM
Without undermining the rhythm of time, this poem puts it in perspective. This is amazing.
Posted 12/31/2013 05:34 AM