The sun, a fiery nest
in crystal flecked haze,
is soon no more than a smudge,
embers smothered in ashen cloud.
Stillness settles
on a waiting world.
Then snow begins,
mere motes at first
speckling the sky's gray shell,
then a steady flow of flakes,
soon swarming, swirling, driving sideways,
whiting out fields, trees, houses, hills,
piling extravagant coiffures
on bush and branch,
muffling the ground
in downy layers,
wrapping us
in a cocoon of silence.
© by Richard Greene.
Used with the author's permission.
Richard Greene began writing poetry in the 8th grade, inspired by the opening lines of Longfellow's “Evangeline”—“This is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks / Bearded in moss and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight"—which he was required to read in class. In college, after a classmate deemed Richard’s rhyming poem “trite,” he stopped writing until, a couple of years later, a class with Henry Rago, subsequently editor of Poetry magazine, inspired him to resume his efforts. But poetry fell by the wayside for almost forty years as a busy career in international development consumed his life. As retirement approached, however, Richard’s dedication to poetry returned; he has since published three chapbooks: The Broken Guitar: Poems of War; Becoming Old: Poems of Aging; Painting with Words: Landscapes in Verse; and one full -length collection, To Talk of Many Things: Selected Poems. Richard, who lives in Nyack, New York, shares a "poem of the week" with anyone interested; get on his mailing list by requesting it at greeneplace@gmail.com.

A lovely reflection especially for those who have no time to savor it all.
Posted 12/12/2015 02:20 PM
After reading your poem and almost see and feel this scene. A beautiful poem. Thanks
Posted 12/11/2015 03:50 PM
Sondy Squirrelly:
"a cocoon of silence.". I see the whole poem in images.
Living in Kansas, you describe to perfection. Love the assonance.
Posted 12/11/2015 03:27 PM
Lori Levy:
I love "the sun, a fiery nest/ in crystal flecked haze." This poem creates a beautiful picture.
Posted 12/11/2015 11:23 AM
Very effective images. Evocative rendering of that silence that comes with a gentle snow.
Posted 12/11/2015 11:00 AM
Snowfall in pictures. I like the image of "extravagant couffures".
Posted 12/11/2015 10:40 AM
Very nice!
Posted 12/11/2015 07:41 AM
Sarah Russell:
Absolutely lovely. Wonderful images! I was there, watching the snow fall with you.
Posted 12/11/2015 07:02 AM