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Season of skinny candles
Marge Piercy


A row of tall skinny candles
burn quickly into the night
air, the shamesh raised
over the rest
for its hard work.
Darkness rushes in
after the sun sinks
like a bright plug pulled.
Our eyes drown in night
thick as ink pudding.
When even the moon
starves to a sliver
of quicksilver
the little candles poke
holes in the blackness.
A time to eat fat
and oil, a time to gamble
for pennies and gambol
around the table, a light
and easy holiday.
No disasters, no
repentance, just remember
and enjoy. The miracle
is really eight days
and nights without trouble.

From The Crooked Inheritance (Knopf, 2007)
Copyright 2005 by Marge Piercy.
Used with the author's permission.



Marge Piercy is the author of 20 poetry collections, 17 novels, a short story collection, a memoir, and five nonfiction books. Her most recent poetry collection is On the Way Out, Turn Off the Light. Marge holds several honorary doctorates and has read her work at more than 575 venues around the world. An enthusiastic gardener, she lives on Cape Cod with her husband and several cats. Learn more about her at






Post New Comment:
This is so beautiful.
Posted 12/11/2024 11:39 AM
For one who hates the dark time of year this poem is a blessing!
Posted 12/11/2014 09:12 AM
Everyone should read Marge Piercy!! She's great.
Posted 12/11/2014 08:14 AM
This is a heavily-anthologized poem for good reason. She gets so much out of the word shamesh in that the reader enters an older world. Being a goy, I had to look it up--a candle used to light other candles, the perfect word.
Posted 12/10/2014 11:32 PM

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