Unfolding and folding
a year slips through my fingers,
weaves loss and laughter,
tells stories if I listen to the voices
of family, friends or newscasts
sputtering climate change
and wars’ ceaseless hunger.
Parade and games over,
I sway between wish and deed,
alignment of chance and inspiration.
Fresh hope seduces, makes gravy
from past events’ crumbs,
pleasures that cannot last,
and after all is measured, weighed,
exorcised or wrapped in honeyed memories,
I prepare for possibility –
a peaceable solitude within.
© by Susan T. Moss.
Used with the author’s permission

Susan T. Moss lives in Evanston, Illinois, where she is serving her third term as president of the Illinois State Poetry Society. A former high school English teacher, she is the author of In From the Dark (Antrim House) and Keep Moving 'til the Music Stops (Lily Pool/Swamp Press) and her work has appeared in several journals and anthologies. Friends and family inspire and influence Susan's poetry, as has traveling to all seven continents, hiking Kilimanjaro, skydiving (once!) and attempting to finish her bucket list of adventures.
I, too, prepare for possibility in reading your poem, walking into solitude. Thank you Susan.
Posted 01/02/2016 02:37 PM
This poem is so uplifting I've committed to my journal.
Thank you Susan,
Michael Escoubas
Posted 01/02/2016 11:24 AM
What a beautiful, moving poem--especially the "gravy" stanza! Janice
Posted 01/02/2016 10:15 AM
Subdued, mature fun.
Posted 01/02/2016 08:31 AM
excellent and tasty advice!
Posted 01/02/2016 08:22 AM
Love hope as the seducer! Great poem, Susan.
Posted 01/02/2016 08:03 AM
A possibility to long for. A poem with great food for thought
Posted 01/02/2016 07:46 AM