Connor, on May 23 you had already shared
your space at Miss Linda’s side when she read
Alexander’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
and you wound up sitting where you couldn’t see
the pictures because her arm was in the way when
she held the book. And that is your favorite book.
your chair at lunch because Noah wanted to sit by Eli
and Miss Mary was on the other side of him and she asked
you to change your seat and then the vanilla cookies
ran out and Noah got the last one and you got a chocolate cookie.
You hate chocolate.
your place in the “go to potty” line because Rachel
was at the end and she said she had to go really bad
so Miss Anne put her in front of you
but she really didn’t. She just wanted to get through fast
so she could go play in the kitchen with Mason and then
you wet your pants and had to change into Dan’s clothes
since Daddy had forgotten to bring extra clothes after
you had gotten muddy on the field trip.
So when Jackson came up to you during “major muscle group”
exercise and grabbed your truck and said he wanted to play with it,
you said in your outside voice, “Do Not Take My Truck.” Miss Linda
and Miss Anne turned to look and Miss Mary walked over to you
and asked if you would share your truck. You said, “I have shared
all day. I do not want to share my truck.” Miss Mary gave you a hug
and asked Jackson to go to the truck box and get another truck.
© by Karen Call.
Used with the author’s permission

Karen Call is retired and enjoys traveling, reading, knitting, and writing poetry. She belongs to state and local poetry societies and participates in a “snail mail” poetry round robin that has been active for more than twenty years. In November 2014, Karen began writing daily American Sentences a la Allen Ginsberg; she posts them on her Twitter account @cactus8755. Karen lives in Tucson, Arizona.
There is such delightful wisdom in this story. And I see a foreshadowing of our current political debates...
Posted 10/13/2016 09:51 AM
Enough...really is. And we all need a 'Miss Mary,' - a wonderful poem.'
Posted 01/25/2016 04:18 PM
Yay for Connor!
Posted 01/25/2016 02:17 PM
Lori Levy:
Posted 01/25/2016 11:03 AM
This is great. I love it!
Posted 01/25/2016 10:31 AM
Those little things can be so important!
Posted 01/25/2016 08:36 AM
Good for Connor to know his boundaries -- and hurray for the teachers who recognized them! Well done, Karen!
Posted 01/25/2016 08:32 AM
I love this poem about the little boy who'd had enough--and handled himself like a little adult! Janice
Posted 01/25/2016 08:32 AM
There comes a time when every kid has to stand up for himself!
So true, Karen.
Thank you.
Posted 01/25/2016 07:44 AM
Sarah Russell:
Posted 01/25/2016 07:31 AM
touching on so many levels.
Posted 01/25/2016 06:26 AM
Ross Kightly:
Life is a process of give & take. Unfortunately, it doesn't always go both ways. Unless, as this lovely poem shows, we change gear at the right time!
Posted 01/25/2016 02:38 AM