Powder puff with quills.
Hobo of the woods.
Queen of the rock piles.
Berry picker, leaf chewer, gnawer
of bark -- canoe paddles if she's hungry enough.
Spined pig.
Shadow sharpening its darkness.
Prickle bear.
She doesn't know the dog has meandered out
to check on the leaf pile before retiring.
Her program tonight's just a shuffle
through the underbrush.
Suddenly a growl.
A howl.
A frenzied crying as the dog skitters home
with its prickly new beard.
She climbs a tree, sharp claws raking the bark.
She is the uncombed old woman of the woods.
Leave her alone.
© by Ginny Lowe Connors.
Used here with the author's permission.
Ginny Lowe Connors is a retired English teacher and the author of four full-length poetry collections and a chapbook, Under the Porch, which won the Sunken Garden Poetry Prize. She runs a small poetry press, Grayson Books, and is co-editor of Connecticut River Review. Ginny has also edited a number of poetry anthologies, including Forgotten Women: A Tribute in Poetry. Learn more about her at www.ginnyloweconnors.com.

This is a real gem!
Posted 02/03/2016 10:11 AM
the uncombed woman of the woods - Great!
Posted 02/02/2016 09:35 PM
Really liked it, great imagery. Judy
Posted 02/02/2016 01:23 PM
Lori Levy:
Love "powder puff with quills" and "uncombed old woman of the woods"!
Posted 02/02/2016 12:17 PM
Excellent use of metaphors in this appealing poem! Janice
Posted 02/02/2016 09:42 AM
Larry Schug:
I really like this poem! It's like flipping though a poetic photo album or an illustrated story book.
Posted 02/02/2016 08:22 AM
Oh the metaphors- "uncombed old woman of the woods", "shadow sharpening its darkness". Love it!
Posted 02/02/2016 07:03 AM