purple petunias
nod siesta sombreros
in afternoon sun
blue morning glories
ignoring damp spider webs
scale rustic ladder
three white butterflies
flitter through flower gardens
kissing the colors
This poem first appeared in the Coulee Region Women's Magazine.
Used here with the author's permission.

Phyllis Beckman lives in Onalaska, Wisconsin, where she writes a poem every day and shares it with 76 family members and friends. She credits the Tuesday Edition of the Mississippi Valley Writers of La Crosse, Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets for ongoing inspiration and encouragement.
Lovely poem. I can see it all.
Posted 06/06/2016 05:34 AM
Siesta sombreros make me sleepy.
Posted 06/05/2016 03:46 PM
Lori Levy:
Beautiful images.
Posted 06/05/2016 02:45 PM
Posted 06/05/2016 02:42 PM
Three haiku live in this lovely poem. Beautiful, lyrical images. Loved it ~ Judy W.
Posted 06/05/2016 01:50 PM
Jean Colonomos-1:
Jean Colonomos
I love the images on this poem. I live the same landscape.
Posted 06/05/2016 11:36 AM
Janet Leahy:
Lovely title for your poem and i can see the morning glories, as they "scale rustic ladder". They are my favorite flower, I want to come to this lawn party. Thanks Phyllis.
Posted 06/05/2016 09:24 AM
...Three white butterflies~kissing the colors!!! O, Yes. A good way to begin a new day. Shining poem.Thanks, Phyllis.
Posted 06/05/2016 07:23 AM