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Small February Miracles
Glen Sorestad


We turn east at a corner, heading home from our walk
at our free daily morning gym, the shopping mall.

A mundane winter turn, but today, the eastern sky
blinds me so much I have to reach for the sun visor.

Sunrise has shaken the horizon with a tsunami of light;
"Look!" I say, as if I needed someone to confirm it.

8:10 a.m. and we are awash in bright dazzle and delight.
We have turned a corner, away from winter's dark.

© by Glen Sorestad.
Used with the author's permission.





Glen Sorestad is a Canadian poet, fiction writer, editor, publisher, anthologist, and public speaker. Author of more than 25 books of poetry and numerous short stories, his work has appeared in more than 70 anthologies and textbooks and his book, Selected Poems from Dancing Birches, was published in Italy in a bilingual edition. Glen has been appointed to The Order of Canada, that country's highest non-military honor, served as Saskatchewan’s first Poet Laureate from 2000 - 2004, and has given public readings of his poetry in every province of Canada, as well as in many U.S. states and many parts of Europe. Glen lives in Saskatoon with his wife, Sonia, who he claims is his "first and most enthusiastic reader and editor." Learn more about Glen here.




Post New Comment:
Thank you for sharing this amazing moment.
Posted 02/20/2017 07:00 PM
Lori Levy:
Great line: "Sunrise has shaken the horizon with a tsunami of light."
Posted 02/18/2017 06:11 PM
This poem truly 'shines'! Thanks Glen.
Posted 02/18/2017 10:53 AM
For me the realization of sunshine and the promise of new growth come about Feb. 15th. Thanks for the poem - especially "tsunami".
Posted 02/18/2017 10:35 AM
Larry Schug:
We northerners (though a Minnesotan may be a southerner to you, Glen)are sun worshippers. Well said.
Posted 02/18/2017 06:55 AM
Jean :D:
People laugh at me because I keep a print-out chart of sun rise/sunset on my desk, since I walk outside. I love keeping "sun time" hours! Thanks to Glen & Jayne I don't feel like a misfit.
Posted 02/18/2017 06:38 AM
I do exactly the same thing every morning after December's solstice! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who judges time by my sun visor. Thank you for a smile this morning.
Posted 02/18/2017 05:58 AM

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