Bows upon strings, violin and viola
sound notes light as gauze wings
of a dragonfly touching a stone
risen in the midst of a mountain brook
or whirling foam of rapids
loud as applause
Cello and another violin add
deepening river currents
flashes of silver scales
quick quivering fins
With clarinet the widening stream
flows past moss fringed with blue thyme
willow branches swaying to test
reflections in sun-and-shade dappled water
air echoing birds whistles and trills
""Heaven,"" sighs a listener.
Cheers reverberate to stained glass windows
We exit bundled against wintry wet wind
with visions of waist-high sunflowers
sibilant violet surf rinsing white sands
a rare cloud or two sailing
faultless blue
© by Charlotte Mandel.
Used with the author's permission.