In this before
Labor Day season,
I am not yet ready for crisp
apples, bright pumpkins,
neither tricks nor
let alone
ghostly masks
which quickly fill
each empty school supply
store shelf with yet
another market.
Long days
still blister sidewalks,
rains do not come;
skies hang hot,
only daring
a pale
Still a drought-filled
season; life hangs wilted,
baking, but with no
turkey in
© by Elizabeth Perdomo.
Used here with the author's permission.
Elizabeth Perdomo has lived and written in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas for the past sixteen years, moving to the region from the Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. Born in Kansas and raised both there and in Colorado, Elizabeth also lived in the southeastern U.S. for a number of years, where her three daughters were born and homeschooled. Elizabeth has been writing poetry since her teen years, on topics that include local place and culture, cooking, gardening, ecology and nature, traditions, spirituality, and more. The author of One Turn of Seasons, featuring poetry about people and places in East Tennessee, Elizabeth's work is also featured in the anthology, Kansas Time + Place.
Holloween is stalking us in the stores.
Too early. " Still a drought-filled season" I laughed over your last line,
with no turkey in sight.
Most enjoyable.
Posted 09/03/2018 05:43 PM
Good one!!!
Posted 09/03/2018 10:51 AM
Dorothy WildhagenD:
I'm always ready for apples even if I have to duck for them. Lovely poem. Thanks.
Posted 09/03/2018 10:28 AM
The plums are ripe and juicy!
Posted 09/03/2018 10:28 AM
Yes, a common complaint. Our economy puts demands on the shopper and precludes enjoying only the one we are in. I so wish we could go back to living in the 'now'.
Posted 09/03/2018 09:47 AM
Nicely done, Elizabeth. Yes, Halloween is already in the stores! I'm content to lay about for a few more weeks before the ghouls come out! Your poem helps me do that.
Posted 09/03/2018 09:02 AM
Lori Levy:
Love the language. "Skies hang hot."
Posted 09/03/2018 08:47 AM
Larry Schug:
"Not Ready for Apples" absorbed me, took me out of my reality and placed me in a new one. The poem contains the magic ingredient to good poetry--texture.
Posted 09/03/2018 08:13 AM
Loved your poem Elizabeth. Especially 'life hangs wilted'. I know that feeling!
Posted 09/03/2018 05:07 AM