Plastic in the blue bin, paper in the red,
Gotta learn these rules before I drop dead:
Compost scraps, turn off the lights,
No plastic bags! Bring some order to my life.
I'm tryin', believe me, but I don't really get it.
Got those recyclin' blues and a serious headache.
They tell me I'm selfish eatin' burgers and fries,
"Tofu and sprouts" is what they advise.
Gotta think of the planet and the ozone threat.
No underarm spray, just honest sweat.
I'm tryin', believe me, but I don't really get it.
Got those recyclin' blues and a serious headache.
Gotta get me a hybrid, cut out gasoline.
Gotta change my colors to shades of green.
Gotta learn the mantra that will seal my fate.
Gotta look to Greenpeace to find me a mate.
I'm tryin', believe me, but I don't really get it.
Got those recyclin' blues and a serious headache.
Gonna make my own clothes from the lint in the dryer.
Gonna run my car with the oil from my fryer.
Gonna join that crowd of the "holier than thou":
Gonna point my finger and crease my brow.
I'm tryin', believe me, but I don't really get it.
Got those recyclin' blues and a serious headache.
© by Anita S. Pulier.
Used with the author's permission.
Want to see a video of this poem? Click here!
Animation and graphics by Myron Pulier.
Music, guitar, and vocals by Greg Pulier.
Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved.
Anita S. Pulier is a retired attorney who, many years ago, traded legal writing for poetry. She and her husband, Myron, pursue a bi-coastal life between New York City and Los Angeles, where they are daily hikers in the NYC parks and the Santa Monica mountains. Anita has been very involved in the Southern California poetry community and, recently, even Myron (a retired psychiatrist) has taken up poetry! Anita’s poems have appeared in numerous print and online journals and her work is included in nine print anthologies. The author of multiple collections, her most recent is Paradise Reexamined. Learn more about Anita at http://psymeet.com/anitaspulier/main/index.php.
Sharon Waller Knutson:
I loved this rhythm and blues poem and song and video. I tapped my feet and sang along. The poem/song is catchy, a lot of fun and brightened my day.
Posted 09/19/2018 03:38 PM
Lori Levy:
Posted 09/19/2018 01:21 PM
Very humorous and so true...
Posted 09/19/2018 01:16 PM
Relevant to our lives, always. The most true line in this poem is:
Gonna join that crowd of the "holier than thou":
Posted 09/19/2018 01:07 PM
Jean Colonomos-1:
Such fun to wake up to a good laugh with your funny poem.
Posted 09/19/2018 10:14 AM
I love the refrain!
Posted 09/19/2018 08:59 AM
Larry Schug:
As a person who did "hands on"recycling at a small college for many years I just want to say recycling is NOT DIFFICULT, but can be challenging. Take all that good advice and live correctly. "Recycling Blues" hits close to home and does just the job it was meant to do as a poem. Fantastic!
Posted 09/19/2018 08:23 AM
Absolutely love it. That's the spirit. Women will lead the way ( the guys can help).
Posted 09/19/2018 07:52 AM