May you rarely awaken beset
by another darkening
thunderhead of news.
May, on those pummeling days,
screens grow dim,
volume quiet.
May you have equally at hand,
souls who will steady you,
and the shelter to be found in stillness.
May you have the grace
to forgive us,
the generations who fell short.
May the path
invisible to us,
be stone-lined for you.
May your roots
find nourishment
in soils we are too old to imagine.
May even the paths
you will not walk, the voices
you can not credit, give you hope.
May you, a root sent down into this world
of pulled and fraying seams,
be a needle, a thread, a stitch.
© by Ryan Warren.
Used with the author’s permission.
Ryan Warren lives with his family in the Pacific Northwestern U.S. where they hike, watch movies, and play with their dog, Ziggy. Ryan is a 2017 Forward Prize for Poetry nominee, a 2016 Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee, and his poetry has appeared in numerous journals and the anthology, Carry the Light. Learn more about him at https://ryanwarrenpoetry.com.
Lori Levy:
Appreciate the hope in this poem. Especially like the last stanza.
Posted 11/07/2018 09:10 PM
Beautiful poem. Thoughtful and prayerful.
Posted 11/07/2018 08:44 PM
Gorgeous poem!
Posted 11/07/2018 07:10 PM
Perfect poem for the Day After! I love these lines:
May you have the grace
to forgive us,
Posted 11/07/2018 01:29 PM
And bless you too, Ryan.
Posted 11/07/2018 10:28 AM
How wonderful to start the day with this poem. <3
Donna Hilbert
Posted 11/07/2018 09:45 AM
We all need a little hope.
Best we speak of the good that men and women can do in this old world.
Posted 11/07/2018 09:32 AM
Jean Colonomos-1:
Posted 11/07/2018 08:51 AM
We parents wish the best for our children, and your poem is a perfect expression of that wish. Thanks.
Posted 11/07/2018 08:26 AM
I LOVE this poem--the words, the theme,
and the metaphors! Janice
Posted 11/07/2018 07:39 AM
Larry Schug:
May we all heed these words, so poetically written/spoken and be inspired to, by word and action, pass them on.
Posted 11/07/2018 07:29 AM