The angle of light
silvery on the wooden deck
and the ripple of rain
strobe and pulse
as unlikely partners
in a disco dance
and if you try
while drinking your 3rd cup of tea
it is easy to imagine
mini John Trovoltas
and Olivia Newton-Johns
pointing fingers to the sky
and staying alive
staying alive
in the gray and cloudy choreograph
of this January morning
uh uh uh uh just staying alive
© by Mary Ray Goehring.
Used here with the author’s permission.

Mary Ray Goehring is a retired landscape designer who migrates between the Central Wisconsin prairie and the pine forests of East Texas and Louisiana. Her poetry has been published in several online and print Mary’s poetry is heavily influenced by nature, family, and friends.
I felt that I was dancing with them..Great job!
Posted 01/27/2019 04:27 PM
Lori Levy:
Love the image of the dancing rain and light!
Posted 01/27/2019 12:34 PM
Not boring at all, Mary, how you share your thoughts over tea, not unlike daydreaming cloud objects on a day without rain.
Posted 01/27/2019 12:11 PM
I would probably focus on the "kicked around since I was born", but that's just
pessimistic me on a gray day!! Cute poem!!! I like it!!!
Posted 01/27/2019 11:47 AM
I agree with Larry and Robin but fear, for me, itthr reminisce might take more than tea.
Posted 01/27/2019 11:01 AM
Congratulations, Mary! Lovely, whimsical poem.
Posted 01/27/2019 08:35 AM
Larry Schug:
Personally, I don't do boredom, but if it leads to imaginative poems such as this beauty, I might give it a try. Boredom may be a meditative state. Mary, your words are leading me down new paths of thought. Thank you!
Posted 01/27/2019 07:11 AM