High in a snag, a bald eagle watches me watch him.
I drift with the wind, boat floating through clouds
and throw my only kokanee as far as I can.
The salmon splashes like a lure flashing sun.
After some contemplation, the eagle
makes a wide sweeping circle,
then descends, kicking talons out in front of him
and snatches the fish easily as a god
pulling a spirit into heaven.
Gradually rising, he clutches his prize,
and we both row for home
richer than before.
This poem first appeared in Windfall.
Used here with the author's permission.
Mark Thalman, editor of poetry.us.com and author of Catching the Limit (Fairweather Books), has been widely published for four decades. He received his MFA from the University of Oregon, and is retired after teaching English in public schools for 32 years. Mark, also an artist who enjoys painting wildlife scenes with acrylics, lives in Forest Grove, Oregon. Learn more about him at www.markthalman.com.
A painting in its self/ How direct and how beutiful.
Posted 05/04/2019 07:32 PM
That�s my favorite line too, Kevin.
What a fabulous experience. The poem makes the reader part of it.
Posted 05/04/2019 11:11 AM
michael escoubas:
Mark, love the way you place me in the action. Yes, a rich spiritual experience.
Posted 05/04/2019 09:10 AM
Nice poem. I like the line �The salmon splashes like a lure flashing sun.�
Posted 05/04/2019 08:48 AM
This poem speaks to something rarely captured in words.....it is a painting.
Posted 05/04/2019 08:35 AM
Janet Leahy:
This poem sets the scene so well and concludes with a beautiful ending, my favorite line�"snatches the fish easily as a god pulling a spirit into heaven".
Posted 05/04/2019 08:23 AM
Larry Schug:
A gift of being in the present, simple yet transcendent.
Posted 05/04/2019 06:55 AM