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The Bubbling Brook
Randal A. Burd, Jr.


The bubbling brook flows softly, gently,
Into the rapid, rushing stream
Which flows on swiftly, soundly forward,
Not pausing once to stop and dream.

It flows unceasing, swiftly onward,
To now regain time long since spent
In lazing, dreaming, hoping, wishing,
As a brook that softly, gently went. 

This poem first appeared in The Candlelight Poetry Journal (1998).
Used here with permission.


Randal A. Burd, Jr. is editor of Sparks of Calliope, an online poetry magazine. He received his M.Ed. from the University of Missouri and spends most of his days and evenings providing education to disadvantaged youth and adults. His latest poetry collection is Memoirs of a Witness Tree (Kelsay Books, 2020). Learn more about him at or find him on X @colonelrandal.


Post New Comment:
Love the feeling of a small pocket of stillness that this poet often needs. My most productive time is what most people would label "wasting" time. Thank you, Randal.
Posted 06/18/2019 11:48 AM

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