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Berry Picking
Ryan Warren


Nearly finished with our customary
Walk, but instead of a left towards home
I confuse the dog, urge him onward
My head still busy with the day

And I know of some blackberry vines
Running riot by the sidewalk.
And since the sun is hot
And the days are long

And the dog plunges forward, always
Into an everlasting moment
Then perhaps the blackberries are ready
Bursting blobs on creeping vines

Shining black eyes, bright
As nails, like a lover I tug
And off it slides like a loose glove
Staining fingers indigo as I pop

One into mouth, the summer's full ripeness
Thimblesweet, heat, spidersilk and dust
I taste another, and another, reach deep
Never mind the thorns.

© by Ryan Warren.
Used with the author's permission.


Ryan Warren lives with his family in the Pacific Northwestern U.S. where they hike, watch movies, and play with their dog, Ziggy. Ryan is a 2017 Forward Prize for Poetry nominee, a 2016 Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee, and his poetry has appeared in numerous journals and the anthology, Carry the Light. Learn more about him at







Post New Comment:
Lori Levy:
Great language and images.
Posted 08/02/2019 06:40 PM
Glen Sorestad:
I love the "bursting blobs on creeping vines". From one berrypicker to another, many thanks, Ryan.
Posted 08/02/2019 12:25 PM
Janet Leahy:
What a delicious poem, thanks Ryan!
Posted 08/02/2019 11:37 AM
Wow, that is a wonderful poem--very sensory. Thanks.
Posted 08/02/2019 09:13 AM
I love your punctuation and word layout.
Posted 08/02/2019 09:02 AM
Beautiful use of the language of poetry.
Posted 08/02/2019 08:38 AM
Larry Schug:
"Thimblesweet, heat, spidersilk and dust" That's Poetry!
Posted 08/02/2019 06:50 AM
"everlasting moment" - Yes
Posted 08/02/2019 06:32 AM

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