There is something mysterious about fog.
It whispered to Sandburg as it crept into the harbor
on little cat feet. It settles over Admiralty Inlet,
a down comforter of relief on a simmering summer day.
It moves in quickly, a cool mist that settles lightly
on our faces and arms as we trudge up the hill
toward home. Then the stillness, how it tamps down
sound, reminding us to honor silence and drift
through an inner landscape of ideas,
enter into the ethereal magic of another world,
as if we were birds soaring in clouds
that have come down to enfold us,
quieting the minor furies we create.
From Glint (MoonPath Press, 2019).
Used here with permission.

Lois Parker Edstrom is a retired nurse. Author of four collections of poetry, her award-winning work has been featured in numerous journals, appeared on The Writer’s Almanac and American Life in Poetry, been adapted to dance, and transcribed into Braille. Lois lives with her husband on Whidbey island, off the coast of Washington. Learn more about her at loisparkeredstrom.com.

Beautiful poem, powerful descriptions!
Posted 09/02/2019 04:04 PM
Wilda Morris:
Lovely poem.Indeed, there is something mysterious and ethereal about the fog.
Posted 08/29/2019 02:10 PM
I think I'll change what I say when I see fog from "The fog crept in on little cat feet" to "The fog crept in on little cat feet, quieting the minor furies we create" With apologies to Sandburg and Edstrom.
Posted 08/29/2019 10:16 AM
Thank you for the beautiful poem, Lois.
Very calming, it radiates peace.
Posted 08/28/2019 08:25 PM
Lori Levy:
Beautiful poem.
Posted 08/28/2019 03:05 PM
Yes, a lot of craft in those couplets, a poem of the last line. Well done.
Posted 08/28/2019 11:55 AM
This is exactly what I needed today Lois. I�m sick and depressed and far too upset about it. I will try to imagine your fog of comfort. I�ve been on the top of a mountain when fog rolled UP and enveloped us. Your poem will help me get back to that feeling. Thank you so much.
Posted 08/28/2019 08:14 AM
michael escoubas:
Well done, Lois! So peaceful, contemplative--thank you, great way to begin my day here in central Illinois.
Posted 08/28/2019 07:44 AM