Little diamonds of water
sparkle on bare dogwood limbs.
A ruby cardinal lands,
puffs out his feathers,
calls cheer, cheer, cheer,
defies the cold gray day.
Below him, a crocus,
a drop of amethyst,
pushes through
the hard ground.
© by Melanie Harless.
Used with the author's permission.
Melanie Harless lives with her husband of 53 years in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. A former school librarian, she retired thirteen years ago and, in addition to spending time with her grandchildren, she began to write. She provided a monthly travel column for a regional magazine for several years and her creative nonfiction and poetry have now been published in several anthologies and in online and print magazines. Melanie serves on the board of Tennessee Mountain Writers and is a volunteer trip coordinator for the Oak Ridge Institute for Continued Learning.
Lori Levy:
I like the use of color in this poem.
Posted 02/24/2020 10:59 PM
Wonderful imagery. I�m right there. Thank you, Melanie Harless.
Posted 02/24/2020 09:38 AM
michael escoubas:
Spare but pregnant with wonderful images of spring's new birth! Thank you and well done, Melanie.
Posted 02/24/2020 08:01 AM