Quick. He's gone
to his club
or his volunteer work
or the local hardware store.
Double quick.
Rush to my desk.
Scribble this down.
Like back when my sweet babies napped.
© by Penelope Scambly Schott.
Used with the author's permission.
Penelope Scambly Schott has sold cosmetics, made doughnuts, written scripts, worked as a home health aide, posed as an artist’s model, taught literature and creative writing, and written quite a few books.
She lives in Portland and Dufur, Oregon, where she teaches an annual poetry workshop. Learn more about Penelope at www.penelopescamblyschott.com.
Wilda Morris:
Love it! My husband just retired in January so I can attest to your wisdom.
Posted 04/08/2020 05:28 PM
So SO true - especially now that we are self-isolating together.
Posted 04/08/2020 05:15 PM
Ha ha! or, as I used to say, For better or for worse but not for lunch.
Posted 04/08/2020 04:59 PM
That's it exactly.
Posted 04/08/2020 02:21 PM
Sarah Russell:
So good! Smiling here.
Posted 04/08/2020 11:35 AM
michael escoubas:
I hear you, Pen! The most productive work time happens when we men get out of the way! Well done.
Posted 04/08/2020 09:14 AM
So direct and unambiguous. Brevity, yes.
Posted 04/08/2020 09:14 AM
A life experience captured in so few words -- so true. I am going to save this poem. Thank you.
Posted 04/08/2020 06:52 AM