I look out from this hill,
A place I've been before,
Listening for echoes from the past
Yet the land lies mute and still.
I've been to the ravines,
Crossed the streams,
Yet what has passed before
Remains hidden and unseen.
I stand, rooted in this land,
Wishing its memories could seep up thru my feet,
Giving voice to those who can no longer speak,
But Earth, she has secrets that she keeps.
© by Julie Creighton.
Used with the author's permission.


Julie Creighton is retired and lives with her husband of 50 years on a ranch in central Texas. Although she has always enjoyed reading, Julie's appreciation for poetry really developed late in life. She began writing poetry after a girls' trip where the theme was to bring and share favorite poems. At the end of the weekend, each wrote an original poem to share with the group. Julie enjoyed this new experience so much that she has begun sharing her experiences and thoughts through poetry. Your Daily Poem has moved her to want to share her poems.
Especially touching.
Posted 05/27/2020 01:28 PM
Lovely view, lovely poem!
Posted 05/27/2020 12:37 PM
Posted 05/27/2020 10:32 AM
Enjoyed this poem, and it was great to have the photo with it. Thank you.
Posted 05/27/2020 10:14 AM
Wonderfully mysterious.
Posted 05/27/2020 08:49 AM
Marie Denniston:
Loved your poem Julie. You are so creative and talented. I can't wait for your next poem!
Marie Denniston
Posted 05/27/2020 08:01 AM
Larry Schug:
Yes, that's our quest-to get on the same wavelength as the earth. These words make me wonder if once we were more tuned in and have lost the signal.
Posted 05/27/2020 07:29 AM
This is simply lovely- it is a feeling that I have experienced many many times. So glad YDP moved you to share. Keep on writing.
Bobbi Martino
Posted 05/27/2020 05:54 AM