I am a cage, in search of a bird. -- Kafka
Wherever my mind flies, it’s still
Tightly to this world, this very cage of
Sensory & imaginative cells
In other words, I is the cage, while
The whole universe am a bird
© by Changming Yuan.
Used with the author’s permission.
Changming Yuan grew up in a small, rural village in China, started to learn the English alphabet at age 19, and published monographs on translation before leaving his native country. Now, with a Canadian PhD in English, he currently edits Poetry Pacific with his son, Allen Yuan. Changming's credits include ten Pushcart nominations, the 2018 Naji Naaman's Literary (Honour) Prize, Best of the Best Canadian Poetry, BestNewPoemsOnline, Threepenny Review, and nearly 1500 others across 42 countries. Changming lives in Vancouver.
Thought provoking use of verbs.
Posted 07/03/2020 06:27 PM
Maren O. Mitchell:
Thank you! Refreshing perception.
Posted 07/03/2020 05:08 PM
For me, the I/is and universe/am twist gives the poem a sense of humor that lifts it into, well, wherever the universe dwells. :)
Posted 07/03/2020 12:51 PM
What a profound perception �and those last lines show us in language. In spite of its depth, it doesn�t take us long to get there!! Outstandingly amazing! Also, this poem gets me interested in reading Kafka. Thank you!
Posted 07/03/2020 12:37 PM
Love it.
Posted 07/03/2020 10:29 AM
Jean Colonomos-1:
This wonderful poem reminds me of philosopher Chuang Tzu who dreamt he was a butterfly.
Posted 07/03/2020 10:02 AM
Posted 07/03/2020 09:08 AM
I love the is and am contrast.
Posted 07/03/2020 08:57 AM
Larry Schug:
The last lines explain reality and an enlightened perception of it. Genius!
Posted 07/03/2020 06:56 AM