After Barcarolle No. 2, by Ned Rorem
Rowing over low surf
with glittering waves
under an immense sunlit sky
I rise up on gentle swells,
to see the sparkling light
then -- down into the spume
I rise up on gentle swells,
to see a flotilla of clouds
then -- down into the spume
With the boat slowly rocking,
I row over deep blue-green waters,
hoping to go from here to there,
taking my inland soul
out on the bay for dreaming
© by J. T. Milford.
Used with the author’s permission.

J. T. Milford began writing poetry before he retired as a CPA from public accounting twenty-five years ago. A resident of Lake Charles, Louisiana, he enjoys reading, writing, music, golf, coffee with friends, traveling to the mountains, and spending time on the beach. J. T.'s first book, Evocation (Bookbaby, 2020) features poems about light, music, nature, and "things often hidden." Learn more about J. T. at https://evocation1.com/about-the-author.
I would love to be out on the water right now - thank you for this poem!
Posted 07/25/2020 05:30 PM
Thank you all for your most kind comments and feeling in the poem. For those interested you may listen to all three Barcarolles with score on YouTube.
Posted 07/23/2020 07:57 PM
Lori Levy:
Like the repetition of rising up "on gentle swells" and then "down into the spume."
Posted 07/23/2020 06:23 PM
I have a dim echo of the Barcarolle melody in my brain, from long ago. The rhythm of this poem jibes with that memory. A lovely set of lines.
Posted 07/23/2020 11:58 AM
Very nice, Randy
Posted 07/23/2020 11:21 AM
Lovely feeling here, JT. It what we all strive for and few achieve. Thanks.
Posted 07/23/2020 11:18 AM
And with the boar slowly rocking . . . Yes
Posted 07/23/2020 09:39 AM
michael escoubas:
Congratulations JT on evocative use of language that actually places readers IN the boat. Excellent craftsmanship . . . I especially like your repetitive technique "down into the spume."
Posted 07/23/2020 08:57 AM
Larry Schug:
I think the entire poem is good but the last verse is outstanding,the final two lines even more so.
Posted 07/23/2020 08:15 AM