On days when you think there is nothing
to be thankful for,
begin with the faucet you tweak
to the perfect temperature,
the shower cascading,
massaging your neck and spine.
Consider the soft water you rely on
that allows lather to rise on your head,
or the stout hands of the invisible dishwasher
that scrubbed your pots while you slept.
Notice curtains that frame the window
to whatever day will be discovered,
aroma of good coffee brewing
in the timed coffee maker,
about to rev up your engine,
dollop of cream
from Oreo cows munching grass,
the toaster, the toast,
and marmalade,
grain, crunch, and fruit.
Reach for bifocals on the end table.
Pet the dog or cat who says good morning
with its nose or tail or nudge.
If there is someone to kiss,
know you are blessed.
Open the front door as you do each day
for the paper delivered by the paper boy
on his pre-dawn rounds.
Listen to a sparrow,
then the radio humming and talking,
song or voice that buoys you
in just the first hour of this day.
From Wild Fruition: Sonnets, Spells, and Other Incantations (Puddin'head Press, 2017)
Used here with permission.
Christine Swanberg is the author of ten books and has published more than 500 award-winning poems in various journals and anthologies. Retired after 35 years of teaching high school, college, and graduate school, she is the recipient of a Mayor’s Award for Community Impact, a YWCA Award for the Arts, and a Womanspirit Award. Christine lives in Rockford, Illinois, where she enjoys gardening, singing, swimming, and traveling.
An excellent reminder! Thank you!
Posted 09/23/2020 01:24 AM
A wonderful celebration of the everyday blessings we should not take for granted!
Posted 09/22/2020 10:47 AM
This poem kicks major cancer butt. It's already on my wall... thank you Christine
Posted 09/21/2020 05:36 PM
Thank you. I needed this today.
Posted 09/21/2020 04:39 PM
michael escoubas:
I'm passing this one around Christine . . . something we all need.
Posted 09/21/2020 04:00 PM
Lori Levy:
The first line pulls me in to all the things we have to be grateful for.
Posted 09/21/2020 02:59 PM
Linda Lee Konichek:
I love this poem! Her chices of things to be thankful for is perfect.
Posted 09/21/2020 11:33 AM
Posted 09/21/2020 10:22 AM
Jean Colonomos-1:
Thanks, Jayne for all you do for poetry.
Posted 09/21/2020 10:02 AM
Larry Schug:
So much to be grateful for though all are mere accoutrements to the greatest gift-a beating heart. Awareness, well expressed.
Posted 09/21/2020 08:23 AM
Posted 09/21/2020 08:12 AM
Gilbert Allen:
As I began my own morning, I enjoyed this catalog of praise.
Posted 09/21/2020 07:58 AM
Stephen Anderson:
I really like the all-inclusivity of things so often overlooked that this poem encompasses. What a wonderful salute to those things!
Posted 09/21/2020 07:20 AM
Wonderful poem that cascades into itself. I love that it never mentions thankfulness while that quality propels the poem. Speaking of that, thanks for YDP, Jayne.
Posted 09/21/2020 06:58 AM
Timely reminder for us all. Thank you!
Posted 09/21/2020 06:44 AM
Posted 09/21/2020 06:05 AM
Spot on. Blessed. Great poem for World Gratitute Day. Thanks.
Posted 09/21/2020 05:24 AM