Well, I've seen some wrecks ahorseback
An' quite a few with cars,
An' I've even seen the carnage
Of some awful wrecks in bars.
But the worst wrecks in my mem'ry
Was the ones a comin' on
When there come a perfumed letter
That started off "Dear John."
From Laugh Kills Lonesome & Other Poems (Buglin' Bull Press, 1990)
Used with the author's permission.
Mike Logan (1938 - 2019) grew up in Kansas but adopted Montana as his home state in 1968 and. ultimately, becamse that state's Poet Laureate. A high school teacher for 25 years, a passion for trout fishing eventually led him to a new career as a wildlife photographer. It was writing cowboy poetry, however, that made him famous. Author of numerous books and recognized in 2006 as the Will Rogers Male Cowboy Poet of the Year, Mike traveled the country sharing his enthusiasm for, and creative interpretations of, life in the West.
Love it! I first learned about cowboy poetry in Wyoming, and if that's not a cliche, I don't know what is. But it's special in its own way and even more so when read/recited around a campfire on a chilly evening.
Posted 04/26/2015 02:30 PM
Posted 04/26/2015 12:45 PM
Great fun!!
Posted 04/26/2015 12:31 PM
kind of sad but in a funny kind of way. Makes you say "oh yeah!"
Posted 04/26/2015 08:30 AM
Who can not love a poem that contains the word 'ahorseback,' especially in the first line.
Posted 04/25/2015 11:32 PM