It's not the battle of bones or drooping skin,
or the way knees go on strike
attempting your neighbor's stairs,
or even your dog racing ahead,
tail excitedly curled, her backward glance of:
Get on with it, that gets your goat. No,
it's the cost of facial expressions, how the store clerk
backs up at the check-out and you're not
even that old, his high-blown frown over
your red satin skirt, its show-off slit.
Oh, well, not much to be done
when the young believe they'll never straddle
a cane. Little do they know
that the years are thoroughbreds
stomping at the gate and, just when the gun
resounds, the distant finish-line moves forward
at a frenetic pace. Tag, you're it.
© by Dianna MacKinnon Henning.
Used with the author's permission.
Dianna MacKinnon Henning lives with her husband in a forest of oaks and ponderosa pines in Janesville, California.
Author of three books, she is founder and director of the Thompson Peak Writers’ Workshop, now in its 23rd year. Learn more about Dianna at www.diannahenning.com and
enjoy a video of this poem here.

Lori Levy:
Great job capturing aging.
Posted 10/07/2020 12:04 AM
Fun poem! Now I want a red satin skirt!
Posted 10/06/2020 06:02 PM
Shoshauna Shy:
" 'Get on with it,' that gets your goat." Terrific!
Posted 10/06/2020 02:15 PM
Linda Lee Konichek:
I love horses and I love this poem! Great images and feeling!
Posted 10/06/2020 01:11 PM
Posted 10/06/2020 12:59 PM
Janet Leahy:
I want a red satin shirt like the one in your poem,
thanks for bringing a smile in this era of mask wearing.
Posted 10/06/2020 11:59 AM
Jean Colonomos-1:
I'm with you, hook, line and "thoroughbreds stomping at the gate."
Posted 10/06/2020 10:02 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
This is a delightful aging poem. Loved the metaphor: "years are thoroughbreds
stomping at the gate."
Posted 10/06/2020 07:37 AM
Love the humor and insight. It made my morning.
Posted 10/06/2020 07:16 AM