Purple globes of chokecherry barely
ripe before they are snatched
the berry tops like tiny chandeliers
Birds disappear into the horizon
like it was a seam on the world
Leaves Jackson Pollocked on the pavement
arrogant splotches of yellow and crimson
When branches are bare
you can see more of the sky
Bird, berry, branch, leaf
Smoke moth moon frost
Each falling leaf a universe
Each disappearing wing a universe
It is a long breath, the
© by Virginia Shreve.
Used here with the author's permission.

Virginia Shreve, who once penned a catalogue devoted solely to corrugated office products, now resides in the small river town of Collinsville, Connecticut, with a husband and dogs, none well-trained, but all good-natured. For years, she wrote and edited numerous regional newsletters, much dog humor, and her poems have appeared in various journals and anthologies. She believes there can hardly be too much chocolate. Or champagne.
"Leaves Jackson Pollocked on the pavement"...love this line. In fact, I love the entire poem.
Posted 10/21/2020 06:03 PM
Lori Levy:
Great images!
Posted 10/20/2020 09:48 PM
Janet Leahy:
Love this poem, the last stanza, last line, it is a long breath leading to the last word. So well done.
And in your bio you mention chocolate and I have had too much of that during this pandemic, you also mention champagne, well that just gives me ideas!!
Posted 10/20/2020 03:21 PM
An amazing arrangment of words, creating a perfect picture! Thank you!
Posted 10/20/2020 02:56 PM
michael escoubas:
Really like the tight, vigorous wording in this poem. It is "full" like the season itself.
Posted 10/20/2020 11:38 AM
"the horizon...a seam on the world"!! Lots of good things in this poem!!!
Posted 10/20/2020 09:54 AM
Jean Colonomos-1:
What a stunning poem that metaphorically embraces the personal and universal. It brings tears to my eyes.
Posted 10/20/2020 09:31 AM
I love the Jackson Pollock allusion and could visualize his throwing of the leaves.
Posted 10/20/2020 09:19 AM
Poor Jackson Pollocked on the pavement. Love it.
Posted 10/20/2020 08:33 AM
Larry Schug:
"Purple globes of chokecherry barely ripe"
something about that image and the way it's painted with words affecting me deeply this morning.
Posted 10/20/2020 08:01 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
Virginia, I liked that you approached the autumn is beautiful story from a different angle with the perfect line: When branches are bare you can see more of the sky."
Posted 10/20/2020 07:55 AM
I appreciate the vivid images that lead me to SEE one a deeper level.
Thank you.
Posted 10/20/2020 06:16 AM