So we'll go no more a-rolling
folks' yards on Halloween,
for the cops would come patrolling
and bust up our fun-filled scene.
For the trees should not wear Charmin,
and the neighbors shouldn't see
grown men in masks out harmin'
their precious property
So the night's not made for strolling
through town to vandalize.
We'll go no more a-rolling
folks' yards. It's just not wise.
This poem first appeared in Verse-Virtual (July 2015).
Used here with permission.

Janice Canerdy is a retired high-school English teacher from Potts Camp, Mississippi. A poet since childhood, her work has appeared in numerous anthologies, contest journals, and poetry magazines over the years. Janice is the author of two books: Expressions of Faith (Christian Faith Publishers, 2016, now out of print) and From Serious to Slapstick--Poems, Like Life (Doctors Dream Publishing, 2024). A former president of the Mississippi Poetry Society, she is honored to have been named their Poet of the Year.
A Jenkin:
A very humorous piece
Posted 11/08/2020 11:52 AM
Love it! Simply Charmin'. Randy
Posted 11/02/2020 05:25 PM
Perfectly fun reflection of a Halloween ramble!
Posted 11/02/2020 04:49 PM
Lori Levy:
Though this poem was first published in 2015, it is definitely relevant today.
Posted 11/02/2020 04:47 PM
michael escoubas:
Totally delightful, Janice . . . I'm betting that even Lord Byron would smile!
Posted 11/02/2020 04:15 PM
Jean Colonomos-1:
A fun poem for a hard time. Thanks.
Posted 11/02/2020 03:43 PM