Stay, stay at home, my heart, and rest;
Home-keeping hearts are happiest,
For those that wander they know not where
Are full of trouble and full of care;
To stay at home is best.
Weary and homesick and distressed,
They wander east, they wander west,
And are baffled and beaten and blown about
By the winds of the wilderness of doubt;
To stay at home is best.
Then stay at home, my heart, and rest;
The bird is safest in its nest;
O'er all that flutter their wings and fly
A hawk is hovering in the sky;
To stay at home is best.
This poem is in the public domain.
Most experts would agree that Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was the most popular American poet of the nineteenth century. A family man who suffered much tragedy in his personal life, Longfellow was the first of a group of writers known as the "Fireside Poets," called such for their popularity with families all over the country who gathered by the fire in the evenings to read the work of these poets aloud. Longfellow published poetry over a forty year period, and enjoyed public adulation in line with that of rock stars and celebrities today.
Ah, the position, condition, and tradition of repetition.
Posted 12/02/2020 10:12 AM
The hawk is on the wing and we are its prey. I will stay home today.
Posted 12/02/2020 09:03 AM
I liked this poem. I was at my fireplace with my imaginary family, warm, enjoying the alliteration, the flow and the rhymes. But I still felt the need to wander, at times, away from the nest. Soar with the hawk a bit. If you know what I mean. Randy
Posted 12/02/2020 08:32 AM