On the bank of the Hudson
in early summer,
outside flows into Matins
as grand silence breaks.
Birdsong penetrates monastery walls,
the shoreline train's chug and whistle.
Sounds of the world intermix
with the meditative chants
of brothers in the chapel.
The next day when the bronze bell calls,
I worship in the courtyard
alone with an ancient oak.
Church, bell tower and tree
hug me on three sides,
the fourth side opens to a panorama
of fields, woods and water.
I sit on a weathered bench.
Birds flit, limb to branch, away.
Feathers flare — a cardinal flash on green.
A commuter train rumbles on the track.
The stone walls shake psalms and liturgy.
Light crackles on the tidal gray river,
sounds of morning echo.
Tree and I drift on the harmonies
of birds, river and brothers.
This poem first appeared in Beneath the Rainbow (May 2019).
Used here with permission.

Ingrid Bruck, a retired library director, lives in Pennsylvania, where she writes poetry, makes jam, grows wildflowers, and enjoys spending time with her three grandchildren.
She is the author of one chapbook, Finding Stella Maris (Flutter Press), and her work has appeared in a number of journals. Learn more about Ingrid at www.ingridbruck.com.
Stephen Anderson:
A very, very calming read, Ingrid!
Posted 06/25/2021 12:20 PM
Lori Levy:
Very peaceful.
Posted 06/24/2021 09:32 PM
I almost felt I was there. Very lovely.
Posted 06/24/2021 05:03 PM
That sounds so peaceful! This was a lovely break in my day. Thank you!
Posted 06/24/2021 12:39 PM
I love this poem! Not a word or image wasted. Perfect! Thank you.
Posted 06/24/2021 11:50 AM
I like the way everything flows - the river, the outside, the shoreline train, the tree, and you.
Posted 06/24/2021 10:18 AM
Ingrid, you've given me a lovely moment, nature layered by presence. This is what so many seek. You make me remember why.
Posted 06/24/2021 09:42 AM
I remember grand silences.
Posted 06/24/2021 09:07 AM
michael escoubas:
This poem resonates with visuals and sounds . . . the "train's chug and whistle" . . . "the bronze bell calls." Nicely done, Ingrid.
Posted 06/24/2021 08:24 AM
Larry Schug:
Absolutely lovely.
Posted 06/24/2021 07:19 AM