What a world we live in,
It used to be so easy--—
Not much to memorize.
But now we need a password
With all this darned IT,
And make it difficult and strong
To gain security.
It now seems near impossible
To reach a human voice;
Instead, robotic questions,
Press numbers, make your choice.
Log in, log out, give user-name,
Create a memory word,
Then enter your pin number;
It all seems so absurd.
We ""talk"" to virtual agents,
Communicate by text,
And when we can't get answers,
We end up feeling vexed.
Interactions now inhuman,
Dealing only with machines;
The friendly voice, the smiling face
Replaced by soulless screens,
So if you now have read this rant
And reached this end of page,
With all the discontent expressed,
You've surely guessed my age!
© by Nick Balmforth.
Used with the author's permission.
Nick Balmforth is a retired safety inspector of children's indoor play centres. His primary published work has been in the field of safety standardization for the British and European indoor play industry and he was awarded an MBE (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for his contributions in 2012. Nick was also a successful voice-over artist. In addition to writing poetry, he enjoys jazz. Nick lives in Staffordshire, England, where he says, "Life right now is one long rest. that's the style that suits me best!"

Janice Galt:
Shared it with three generations, all of whom agreed with Nick's sentiment.
Posted 08/19/2021 02:43 PM
I say a loud "AMEN" to every line, Nick. This is an excellent piece.
Posted 08/18/2021 08:55 PM
Great poem by a learned gentleman and how astute that he captures all the frustrations of most of us over thirty. I applaud this poem for its wit.
Posted 08/18/2021 10:20 AM
Darrell Arnold:
Ha! Ha! Ha! Nick, you are a brilliant man. Everything you said is so true, and so aggravating, and you touched so many of us "seasoned" citizens. Further, you did it in clever rhyme and meter. I am delightfully impressed. It's great, by the way, to see you back on this page.
Posted 08/18/2021 08:41 AM
michael escoubas:
You dah man, Nick! Well said, my computer hit the wall yesterday . . . going now to pick up the pieces. From one septugenerian to another . . . thank you.
Posted 08/18/2021 08:11 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
This poem made my day. Nothing like a merry little rhyme to make me laugh at the truth. Technology sucks. Us grandparents and great grandparents are ill equipped to cope. Bring back service, smiles, the personal touch and the simple things in life.
Posted 08/18/2021 07:38 AM
Ha ha! Right there with you on all fronts (including age! :) The robotic phone answerers you describe are my arch-nemeses :) Fun to see them in a poem, though!!
Posted 08/18/2021 06:22 AM