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Christmas Cookies
C. F. Kelly


The mixer in the kitchen purrs;
it twists and tosses as it stirs
the cookie batter Mom will bake
and then let me help decorate.

The silver cutters wait in lines
to shape their own unique designs
when rolling pin has done its job
and flattened out the doughy blob.

She wipes her brow, adjusts her sleeves,
and starts to cut out holly leaves,
then picks the joyful rocking horse
and stars and bells and birds, of course.

The trees and Santas wait their turn,
while angels, next to snow men, yearn
to don their robes and join the crowd—
I'm sure they want to sing out loud.

The powdered sugar frosting spreads
with ease and forms the sticky beds
on which the colored sprinkles rest,
where red-hot buttons look their best.

And I would like to make it clear
that these creations disappear
because in spite of looking neat,
they're really baked for us to eat.

© by C.F. Kelly.
Used with the author's permission.


Cornelius Farrell Kelly lives in Pinedale, Wyoming, with his wife of 60+ years, in a house they built with the help of their ten children at an altitude of 7300 feet above sea level. The author of eight chapbooks and two published books, he writes a rhyming couplet every morning and posts it on his Facebook page. Cork is a competitive senior swimmer (he says he frequently gets ideas for a poem while swimming).



Post New Comment:
Delightful, skillfully written--a masterpiece!
Posted 12/17/2021 09:31 PM
Lori Levy:
Sounds fun making those cookies.
Posted 12/17/2021 07:46 PM
One of the loveliest images are invoked in this poem. I can almost taste the cookies. Catherine Placzek
Posted 12/17/2021 05:53 PM
Very well done, indeed!
Posted 12/17/2021 01:58 PM
Janet Leahy:
This poem would make a delightful Christmas card, exquisite meter and rhyme, bravo!
Posted 12/17/2021 01:54 PM
charming clever - I agree with below comment re a children's book - but I loved it too (even though I only baked cookies one time long ago) for its perfect never-forced rhyming.
Posted 12/17/2021 12:46 PM
This brings back memories of making a seemingly infinite amount of cookies every December for my dad to take to his clients, and then the neighbors, and *finally*, some for us!
Posted 12/17/2021 12:16 PM
So fun!!!
Posted 12/17/2021 12:06 PM
Hanta Grode:
I love how it sounds like it could be a children's book! I can picture the illustrations in my head as I read!
Posted 12/17/2021 08:40 AM
Darrell Arnold:
Nicely done, Cork. Highly metered, delightful rhymes. I can visualize a Disney cartoon with the cut-out but not-yet-baked cookies happily joining in with Mom to help her complete the process. I like the red hots. Brings back excellent Christmas memories for me.
Posted 12/17/2021 08:17 AM
Larry Schug:
A very fitting poem as I begin my wife's birthday cookies. Hey, it's what she wants--Hershey's kisses wrapped in chocolate chip dough. As in the last stanza, I get more than my share. Nice poem, C. F.
Posted 12/17/2021 08:14 AM

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