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Snowbound, March
Alice N. Persons


Now at midnight there is no true dark
but a pearly glow brighter than moonlight,
black tree limbs against a nacreous sky.

On TV, the list of cancellations grows
and the weatherman can't restrain
his gleeful smirk as he points to the massive
storm roaring up the eastern seaboard.

Tomorrow will bring the hard labor of plows,
of shoveling walks, snowblowing a path for the oil man,
the too-familiar weariness
of all that Sisyphean work

but for these few hours there is a kind of peace
in the mostly silent streets,
our hunkering down inside,
the inability to accomplish anything
out in the white, muffled world.

The trick is to learn to like these imprisonments,
to relish them as a kind of enforced vacation,
a reminder that on this frozen coast
nature can still do in
your dinner plans, phone service,
the high school basketball game,
church suppers, bingo, AA meetings —
and give you the gift
of watching a lovely, smothering whiteness
defeat the winter dark.  

From Thank Your Lucky Stars (Moon Pie Press, 2011).
Used here with permission.


Alice N. Persons is the editor and publisher of Moon Pie Press, established in 2003, which publishes work by poets from all over the country and now has 119 books in its catalog. Author of five collections herself, Alice lives in Westbrook, Maine with two cats and a dog, all rescues, and serves on the board of the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland. Alice loves painting, holidays, travel, baking, and Maine in all seasons.



Post New Comment:
Such a common happening for many of us is made so special by this poem - Love the evocative fourth verse, and the last three lines -
Posted 03/17/2022 11:34 PM
Lori Levy:
Love the peace of the "white, muffled world."
Posted 03/07/2022 07:38 PM
Janet Leahy:
I agree with Norma, love the weatherman's gleeful smirk.
Posted 03/07/2022 04:02 PM
Growing up in the midwest, I loved nights like theseboth for the scenery and the quiet, and also because it meant a Snow Day off from school the next day!
Posted 03/07/2022 03:45 PM
Nothing like the right words at the right time. Snowing in south eastern Wisconsin this AM. Shirley hears the welcome scrape of my neighbors shovel. 2:20 PM
Posted 03/07/2022 03:34 PM
Ginny C.:
This is a lovely poem that keeps its tone throughout and ends nicely.
Posted 03/07/2022 01:28 PM
As someone living on California's Central Coast, I never experience this (thankfully), but I love your description! Wonderful poem.
Posted 03/07/2022 01:21 PM
The trick is to learn to like these imprisonments and look for the gift. Enjoyed this word painting.
Posted 03/07/2022 12:42 PM
I love the gleeful smirk.
Posted 03/07/2022 10:38 AM
The weather has been doing for centuries what Covid-19 did for a mere two years! I like this poem Alice.
Posted 03/07/2022 09:22 AM
Snowing right now in eastern Wisconsin. Beautiful to wake up to the white flutters and to this poem. Thank you. Marilyn Zelke Windau
Posted 03/07/2022 08:02 AM
Larry Schug:
Having done a lot of snow removal work in my life, I appreciate the idea of "Sisyphean work". And I also appreciate the idea of "the gift of watching a lovely, smothering whiteness defeat the winter dark".
Posted 03/07/2022 07:09 AM
To those of us in Northern NE, within an hour or two of the coast, this poem rings TOO true. Alice defines it to (almost) sound inviting, and as usual her poem is a gem!
Posted 03/07/2022 05:16 AM

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