My friend is lodging high in the Eastern Range,
Dearly loving the beauty of valleys and hills.
At Green Spring he lies in the empty woods;
And is still alseep when the sun shines on high.
A pine-tree wind dusts his sleeves and coat;
A pebbly s team cleans his heart and ears.
I envy you, who far from strife and talk
Are high-propped on a pillow of blue cloud.
Translated by Arthur Waley, 1919.
This poem is in the public domain.
Li Po (702-761) is one of China's best known poets. Also known as Li Bai, this wealthy scholar produced an abundance of work praised for its imagination, imagery, and celebration of simple subject matter. Beloved by rich and poor alike, Li Po spent most of his life traveling around his home country. Generous with his wealth and fond of a good time, Li Po was alternately favored and imprisoned by Chinese royalty. His nickname, "the poem god," came from his alleged ability to produce beautiful poetry quickly and effortlessly. More than a thousand of his poems are still around for us to read and enjoy.
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