It has become an early morning habit.
I'm up first toasting bagels golden brown,
anointing them with rivers of cream cheese.
I cleanse a luscious Gala apple, remove
the inspection tag and with a paring knife,
slice the succulent orb in equal portions.
With a waiter's towel draped over my left arm,
I take her plate bedside, then bring mine. We taste
lush Gala slices, let their juices seep
through our teeth, onto our tongues, then down
and down to who cares where. We muse about
the day, lay out a plan, but it's mostly talk,
because we know we're already in the day's
best part: moments shared as in a sacrament.
© by Michael Escoubas.
Used with the author's permission.
Michael Escoubas began writing poetry for publication in August of 2013, after retiring from a 48-year-career in the printing industry. He writes poetry because, early in life, his mother encouraged him. Michael also writes poetry because he believes poetry brings people together and that poets are menders of broken things. He is the author of six collections; the most recent is Ripples Into the Light, a collection partnered with photographs by Vandana Bajikar and designed to rest the soul and calm the spirit. Michael is Senior Editor and Book Reviewer at Quill and Parchment, an online poetry journal. He lives in Illinois.

I have been a big fan of yours since I read my first poem of yours! I love the reverence and beautiful imagery in all of your poetry!
Posted 02/12/2024 04:39 PM
Lori Levy:
Beautiful. Love the last line.
Posted 02/11/2024 06:11 PM
What a lovely way to start the day together! Precious time, spent simply living.
Posted 02/11/2024 03:57 PM
Shoshauna Shy:
Lovely, Michael, I can taste it all.
Posted 02/11/2024 01:28 PM
Arlene Gay Levine:
A sweet poem just like the gala apple you make come alive with your well chosen words.
Posted 02/11/2024 12:52 PM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
Love this wise love poem. It is the moments that count.
Posted 02/11/2024 12:09 PM
I love rivers of cream cheese and the mention of the inspection sticker.
Posted 02/11/2024 09:35 AM
Wilda Morris:
Beautiful poem, Michael!
Posted 02/11/2024 08:39 AM
Larry Schug:
My favorite Mike Escoubas poem (so far).
Posted 02/11/2024 07:21 AM