The waters of the seas, the lakes, rivers
absorb all light waves of color
except blue.
Their blue and the blue of the heavens
enlighten thought, mood,
promote joy.
The human mind releases emotions
of happy, of curious, of passion,
of tenacity,
and of sadness, of grief—
of blue.
Why that color defines sadness
is hard to understand.
Our symbolism of color is rampant.
We can be red with anger, with embarrassment.
We can be green with envy, green in innocence.
We can be yellow in trepidation, in fear.
Ah, blue—aqua, azure, navy, teal,
midnight, sky, robin egg, baby.
I sing your message of calm,
of waves of hope.
© by Marilyn Zelke Windau.
Used with the author's permission.
Marilyn Zelke Windau, of Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, started writing poems at age thirteen. A former art teacher, she has had five books of poetry published: Adventures in Paradise, Momentary Ordinary, Owning Shadows, Hiccups Haunt Wilson Avenue, and Beneath The Southern Crux. A Pushcart Prize nominee, her award-winning work can be found in many journals and anthologies. Marilyn includes her maiden name to honor her father, who was also a writer. When she's not writing, Marilyn works at restoring her 1891 house and creates mosaics, paintings, and books made with tea papers. A Master Gardener volunteer and an art center docent, she is married to a retired environmental engineer, has three daughters, and three grandchildren.

Lori Levy:
Especially like the last stanza. Beautiful, peaceful.
Posted 03/08/2024 02:36 PM
A vividly descriptive piece conveying a message about the varied meanings of colors!
Posted 03/08/2024 10:52 AM
Joan Luther:
Magic of blue and green. Such a lovely poem.
Posted 03/08/2024 09:25 AM
A lovely poem. I find the blues to be less blue, more gray, more cloud than sky. Thank you for your appreciation of blue.
Posted 03/08/2024 08:44 AM
Nothing but blue skies ahead, Marilyn. 🙂
Posted 03/08/2024 08:01 AM
Larry Schug:
I can't tell you how much I like this poem! Brilliant in so many ways. For example, just the word "Ah" is perfect. Not to mention tht this poem could (is) a meditation, of sorts.
Posted 03/08/2024 07:59 AM