Morning air summons and invigorates.
All is fresh and vibrant.
Birds call happily in the distance.
Sunbeams skip across the treetops.
Colors emerge and blend in the clouds.
Steps fall lightly in the grass.
Hues of violet, pink, and blue glow and blush among the meadow plants.
The world opens anew and calls the wanderer.
Beads of dew sparkle in the sunlight.
Bees and other insects engage the flowers, oblivious to observation.
Everything is warmth and light, color and sound, fragrance and solitude.
© by Jonathan O'Quinn.
Used here with the author's permission.

Jonathan O'Quinn is a lifelong nature enthusiast who also enjoys reading, drawing, cooking, hiking, gardening, and searching for Native American artifacts. A podiatrist by profession, he is the author of one collection of poetry, Reflections on Life. Originally from Durham, North Carolina, Jonathan now lives with his wife in Greenville, North Carolina.

Joan Luther:
Paints a tranquil picture
Posted 03/23/2024 04:11 PM
Lori Levy:
Full of peace and beauty.
Posted 03/23/2024 02:21 PM
Such lovely images!
Posted 03/23/2024 02:18 PM
Many wonderful images!
Posted 03/23/2024 12:31 PM
Larry Schug:
This week's explosion if poetic flowers is wonderful, O'Quinn's poem included. Meanwhile, we are forecast to be blessed with two feet of snow. Ugh!
Posted 03/23/2024 11:40 AM
"oblivious to observation"......a descriptor which is both poetic and accurate.
Posted 03/23/2024 09:10 AM