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Marilyn Zelke Windau


The feathery frond of Queen Anne's lace
The cricket's chirp that stops when I walk by
The constant blue of Lake Michigan at its horizon
The twitch of tall grass in a breeze
Fuzzy flannel at a chilly evening's bedtime
Chocolate on my tongue
Candleglow in a dimmed room
An unexpected smile from a stranger
The soft of fur behind a golden retriever's ears
A daughter's hug
Dandelions from my granddaughter
A fruit snack gift from my grandson
The constancy of my husband's love
Fluorescent orange glow at dusk
Orion's protection in the night sky
Puffs of peach clouds at dawn
The abiding reassurance of a new day

© by Marilyn Zelke Windau.
Used with the author's permission.




Marilyn Zelke Windau, of Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, started writing poems at age thirteen. A former art teacher, she has had five books of poetry published: Adventures in Paradise, Momentary Ordinary, Owning Shadows, Hiccups Haunt Wilson Avenue, and Beneath The Southern Crux. A Pushcart Prize nominee, her award-winning work can be found in many journals and anthologies. Marilyn includes her maiden name to honor her father, who was also a writer. When she's not writing, Marilyn works at restoring her 1891 house and creates mosaics, paintings, and books made with tea papers. A Master Gardener volunteer and an art center docent, she is married to a retired environmental engineer, has three daughters, and three grandchildren.


Post New Comment:
Wilda Morris:
A wonderful list poem! I believe I met you at a workshop led by Ellen Kort. It's always good to find you here.
Posted 05/26/2024 10:35 PM
Lori Levy:
Beautiful images.
Posted 05/26/2024 01:24 PM
Marilyn, I see and feel everything you wrote and I love thinking of the lakeshore landscape as a mosaic of images made of peace. Thank you for the reminder.
Posted 05/26/2024 10:11 AM
Larry Schug:
And it's all free, except the chocolate. The gifts that come our way if we just pay attention. We are, indeed, privileged.
Posted 05/26/2024 08:12 AM
Such needed , soothing , memory awakening words. Especially right now Thank you Marilyn
Posted 05/26/2024 07:44 AM
What a wonderful poem, Marilyn! Cheers, Mandi
Posted 05/26/2024 07:01 AM

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