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Valentine's Day, 1963
Barbara Eknoian


I’ve recently become a wife
and buy Ray’s gift,
a red cardigan sweater.
Then I go to Muller’s Drug Store,
and buy lots of cards for everyone:
hubby, mom, mother-in-law,
brothers, and friends
since I’m sentimental.
While I’m there, I run into Mrs. D,
my best friend’s mother.
She says, I bet you’ll be getting
a nice present from your husband.

I say, He’s not that type,
I don’t think so.

I continue shopping.
When I get up to the register,
Charlie, the druggist, hands me
a wrapped present of talcum powder.
He says, Mrs. D. bought it for you.
I will never forget this Valentine gift;
she’s a single mom with seven children
struggling to get by. I think,
This is precious
This is the widow’s mite.


From More Jerkumstances,New & Selected Poems (Moontide Press).
Used here with permission.


Barbara Eknoian writes poetry, novels, and short stories. Her work has appeared in numerous venues and her latest book is More Jerkumstances, New & Selected Poems. Barbara lives in La Mirada, California with her daughter, grandson, and two cats;
she says the younger one keeps the family on their toes because she's full of mischief!



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