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The Passing Years
Edward Tuck


Age is a quality of mind:
If you have left your dreams behind,
If hope is lost,
If you no longer look ahead,
If your ambition's fires are dead,
Then you are old.

But if from life you take the best
And if in life you keep the jest,
If love you hold,
No matter how the years go by,
No matter how the birthdays fly,
You are not old.

From the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine (Volume XXIV, June 1932).
This poem is now in the public domain.

Edward Tuck (1842 - 1938) was an American banker, diplomat, and philanthropist. Born in New Hampshire, he attended Dartmouth College and was appointed by President Lincoln as the Vice Consul to Paris, a position from which he resigned after only a year to join
a banking firm in which he later became a partner. Over the years, Edward became one of Dartmouth's most generous benefactors. His generosity extended to hospitals, other schools, art collections in France (where he lived for many years and was, in fact,
named an honorary citizen), and many other organizations. The above was widely known as his favorite quote.


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