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Lubbing My GGG*
Carl Palmer


I point at her Mommy**
and say, she’s my Mommy.
She hugs Mommy and says,
No, she’s my Mommy.
I lub you, Mommy.

I point at her GiGi**
and say, she’s my GiGi.
She hugs GiGi and says,
No, she’s my GiGi.
I lub you, GiGi.

I point at her Omi***
and say, she’s my Omi.
She hugs Omi and says,
No, she’s my Omi.
I lub you, Omi.

I point at my GGG
and say, you’re my GGG.
She hugs me and says,
And you’re my Papa.
I lub you, Papa!

I lub you, too, Ayverie

© by Carl Palmer.
Used here with the author's permission.


*GGG = Great Grand Girl, age 2
**Mommy = my wife
***GiGi = my daughter
****Omi = my wife

Carl “Papa” Palmer lives in University Place, Washington now, but grew up on Old Mill Road (the name of his latest book) in Ridgeway, Virginia. Retired from the military and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), he enjoys being a Franciscan Hospice volunteer and being “Papa” to his grand descendants. Carl is the author of nine chapbooks and his work has been published in more than 200 journals around the world. His motto is "Long Weekends Forever!"


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