I point at her Mommy**
and say, she’s my Mommy.
She hugs Mommy and says,
No, she’s my Mommy.
I lub you, Mommy.
I point at her GiGi**
and say, she’s my GiGi.
She hugs GiGi and says,
No, she’s my GiGi.
I lub you, GiGi.
I point at her Omi***
and say, she’s my Omi.
She hugs Omi and says,
No, she’s my Omi.
I lub you, Omi.
I point at my GGG
and say, you’re my GGG.
She hugs me and says,
And you’re my Papa.
I lub you, Papa!
I lub you, too, Ayverie
© by Carl Palmer.
Used here with the author's permission.
*GGG = Great Grand Girl, age 2
**Mommy = my wife
***GiGi = my daughter
****Omi = my wife