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Day's End
Sir Henry Newbolt


Night is come,
   Owls are out;
Beetles hum
   Round about.

Children snore
   Safe in bed;
Nothing more
   Need be said.

This poem is in the public domain.


Sir Henry John Newbolt (1862 – 1938) was an English editor, historian, novelist, and poet. Born in Staffordshire, England, he practiced law for 12 years after completing his education, but throughout those years, he managed to write a novel, a play, and ongoing articles for a law journal. He finally abandoned his law practice to pursue writing full time and, for the remainder of his life, produced a broad body of work that included fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Knighted in 1915 and appointed a Member of the Order of the Companions of Honour in 1922, Sir Henry was hugely popular during his day; his books were bestsellers and he was considered one of England's most prominent celebrities.


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