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Vivian Yeiser Laramore


I've shut the door on Yesterday,
Its sorrows and mistakes;
I've locked within its gloomy walls
Past failures and heartaches.

And now I throw the key away
To seek another room,
And furnish it with hope and smiles,
And every springtime bloom.

No thought shall enter this abode
That has a hint of pain,
And envy, malice, and distrust
Shall never entrance gain.

I've shut the door on Yesterday,
And thrown the key away.
Tomorrow holds no doubt for me,
Since I have found Today.

This poem is in the public domain.


Vivian Yeiser Laramore (1892 – 1975) was born in Missouri, but her family moved to Jacksonville, Florida when she was a child. Vivian began writing in her teens and was editor of her high school's literary magazine. After marrying, she relocated to Miami, where she lived for the rest of her life. Vivian's poetry appeared in a variety of magazines, she published several books, taught poetry in college, and hosted a weekly poetry group in her home for 45 years. She was appointed as Poet Laureate of Florida in 1931 and
served in that role until her death.



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